PODS Away!
We had a quiet few days, overall a good thing as it gave us a chance to recover a bit from the shock of all the moving, packing, demolition, and the last week of school. We managed the rest of the packing and moving (oh, all right, I still have some rearranging, tidying, organizing, and miscellaneous to do), the garage is cleared and ready for further demo and the loss of the washer and dryer (ouch), and the PODS unit was removed on Sunday.
If -- and it's a fairly big if -- all of our stuff wasn't destroyed in transit and the storage location is in fact safe and secure, then this PODS thing will have turned out to be wonderful. It saved us a lot of loading and unloading to be able to have the unit in our driveway.
What's not so wonderful is the sheer amount of possessions we have. I really feel like an ugly, greedy, imperialistic person. How can we have so much when so many have nothing? Yet how can we live in our world, our society, our community in a truly different way? Sure, recyclying, composting, and conservation are terrific life philosophies to which we adhere. It's just that it seems awfully insignificant in the face of the reality of our astonishing consumption of resources.
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