Solid Like A Rock

The field trip to the granite fabricators was a huge success. It was really fun to place our templates and pick out our very favorite parts of the three slabs we purchased. We spent about an hour doing this and I'm feeling very confident that the fabricators know their stuff pretty well. We have quite a bit left over and we're hoping to have a few table tops made for use in the garden. Unfortunately, the next available installation date is September 22, about a week later than I was hoping.
The schedule is slipping a bit and I'm a bit tense and concerned. I look forward to our contractor's return tomorrow so we can get straight on the schedule, cancel a bunch of Embassy Suites nights for this week (I hope), and develop a plan to the finish line.
Spoke with the kitchen designer about the incorrect recycling unit and the sink issue. She was extremely defensive, which was disappointing. Not exactly the "can do" customer service attitude I was hoping for. I remain confident that the matter will be resolved to our satisfaction, I just hope we won't have to do a lot more to make that happen.
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