Remodel Me

This is the story of our home remodel, day by day. We expect laughter, tears, and lots and lots of dust. In the end, we hope to have a beautiful, larger updated home for our beautiful growing family.

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Location: Walnut Creek, CA

Monday, July 24, 2006

I'm Melting!

This heat wave stuff is really getting out of hand. 114? 112? 110? Today was a mere 102 or so, felt cooler, which is completely ridiculous. Virtually everything mechanical is no longer working, including, of course, our 1970 Montgomery Ward air conditioner compressor. I would be more grateful that it's broken, thus justifying its replacement, except I'm now living in a sweat lodge. My computer isn't working, my cell phone is barely working. And so it goes.

A little bit of construction work is occurring. We're still waiting for the designer's engineer-approved drawings clarifying the minor points raised by the City Inspector. I'm mad, the contractor's mad ... I'm letting him handle it, since he has already shown greater patience and ability in this particular area than I have. The roof guys have given up completely, which is a good thing, since it's about a billion degrees up there and I don't want them falling off the roof in the throes of heat stroke. The plumbers showed up and did some rough ins. The carpenters got rid of the extra wall in the bathroom.

The cabinets arrive tomorrow! Perhaps they'll bring cooler weather from Oregon along with the boxes? I can only hope.


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