Remodel Me

This is the story of our home remodel, day by day. We expect laughter, tears, and lots and lots of dust. In the end, we hope to have a beautiful, larger updated home for our beautiful growing family.

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Location: Walnut Creek, CA

Saturday, July 15, 2006

While You Were Out

A couple of years ago, my husband went on a boondoggle trip out of the country for a week. I spent several weeks before he left trying to convince him (in a highly subtle manner, naturally) that I'd arranged for the TLC show "While You Were Out" to come and redo our family room while he was away. He never bought it. And they weren't really coming. And if someone had done that to me, I probably wouldn't have liked it very much, since I'm a tad persnickety about what I like and don't like. OK, more than a tad.

While we were out, lots and lots of progress was made on our project. Most notably, the roof trusses were delivered and installed and a ton o' roof framing was completed. Preparation was made for windows to be installed in many rooms. Check it out: new "Great Room," view from the new kitchen, long view from the endge of the back garden.


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