Remodel Me

This is the story of our home remodel, day by day. We expect laughter, tears, and lots and lots of dust. In the end, we hope to have a beautiful, larger updated home for our beautiful growing family.

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Location: Walnut Creek, CA

Saturday, July 08, 2006

Pantries and Plumbing and Plywood: Oh My!

As a preliminary matter, let me state for the record that it is too darned hot, we've had way too many swim meets of late, and I feel grimy, cranky, and pretty much unfit for human interaction. So what else is new, right? On top of that, my computer is still dead and the people in Mumbai are not taking my calls at the moment, so the stars of this blog -- the fab photos -- are still missing in action. Sorry 'bout that. (I'm still taking them, so they'll be posted when this ridiculous technical difficulty is resolved. Stay tuned!)

Despite the heat, the guys continue to pound on our house. I'm screaming "uncle" already, but the house doesn't seem close to throwing in the towel. Progress continues to be made. The place was swarming with plumbers on Friday and lots of strange pipes are snaking their way around and up all over the place. It seems that the washing machine will be on the right and the dryer on the left in the Temple of Laundry. Just like the plans say. Except everyone who is right handed (like me) and who does laundry constantly (like me) typically puts the washer on the left and the dryer on the right. Oh well. Thanks, designer dude who clearly doesn't do laundry, for yet another instance of complete lack of attention to detail. Oops, did I say that out loud? Frankly, it should be fine in the end. I suspect our swanky new washer and dryer have doors that can swing either way, so we'll adjust as necessary, if possible. If not, I'll adapt, I'm sure.

Ceiling beams, made of pressurized lumber strands, are going up all over. The spaces are beginning to take shape and I'm enjoying walking around imagining actually using them. The view from the new kitchen window and new dining room French doors is going to be amazing. Once we get that otherwise healthy tree out of the way, oops. (You were right on that one, designer dude.)

The pantry wasn't framed quite right the first time (the existing water heater was left in place, but since it's already been replaced by the sexy new tankless one, we planned to use the space the old one was in to expand the pantry, in fact gaining space was one of the main reasons to switch to the tankless model), but the situation has already been rectified and the old water heater temporarily relocated until the new one can be hooked up (several weeks from now, I am told). That was quite a run-on sentence, wasn't it!

We're abandoning the ship tomorrow, heading out of town for a week of camp (violin and traditional day), milestone birthday parties, and blissful hotel residence. Dh is staying home to work, work, work, feed the dogs, hold down the fort, work, and (I hope) snap a few photos for the blog (and accompanying scrapbook).


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