Remodel Me

This is the story of our home remodel, day by day. We expect laughter, tears, and lots and lots of dust. In the end, we hope to have a beautiful, larger updated home for our beautiful growing family.

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Location: Walnut Creek, CA

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sittin' By The Dock Of The Bay

I really really tried to upload a picture of the bay window to no avail, maybe tomorrow. As far as work today, the guys did some insulating and built the little roof part that goes over the outside. I am so pleased with this window. It will provide a nice little reading nook, it makes the tiny room seem more light and spacious, and it adds architectural interest and style to the front of the house.

I also tried to include a picture of the tube skylight in the hall. This thing lets in light like nobody's business (they punched the hole through today, yesterday it was still dark). I'm pleased with the idea of free light in the hall (the contractor says we'll never turn on the hall fixture again and I'm pretty sure he's right), but I'm not so pleased with the size of the circle on the ceiling. I thought it would be smaller. I'll focus on the free light part.

Our third and final MIA picture is the side French doors, opposite our master bedroom, side of the dining room portion of the great room. I'm not really that happy with these at all. They look awkward to me (too narrow) and since they were custom, I think they weren't cheap. Our contractor mentioned at the beginning of demo that we didn't have a window schedule and I thought he would make one and let me pick everything out. Instead, he has picked everything, mostly OK (especially since we had to go with the cheaper windows, less choice anyway), but I would have preferred more control over the situation. These particular doors are probably the best that could have been done under the circumstances (except perhaps make the opening slightly smaller for a single door? which I would have preferred) and I'm going to focus on the lovely fountain that will be installed on the wall next to them. Mmmmm, I'm more relaxed already.

Roofers were here today as well, banging and tossing stuff around. Since it was about 100 million degrees today, they packed it in early, came back in the evening when it cooled down a bit. Can't blame 'em at all for that!


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