Remodel Me

This is the story of our home remodel, day by day. We expect laughter, tears, and lots and lots of dust. In the end, we hope to have a beautiful, larger updated home for our beautiful growing family.

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Location: Walnut Creek, CA

Friday, October 06, 2006

10, 9, 8, 7 ...

We're exactly a week away from completion! I can hardly believe it.

Right now, we're almost completely displaced, however, as the floor people finish the floors. So far they have installed and stained it. They may have put one coat of sealer on. Or maybe it's two coats today. In any event, the rain storm slowed drying time a tad due to high humidity. Since we're not planning on staying in the house tonight, though, they'll be able to finish. Finish the finish, that is.

I'm at the public library right now, since I can't be in the house. I've been dashing back to feed the dogs, and grab extra changes of clothes and other necessities. To say that I have a renewed appreciation for the homeless is putting it mildly. After all, I have money to throw at this problem and have been able to stay in hotels every night (even if the so-called three star hotel we stayed in the past two night didn't bother to have maid service -- they mis-recorded which room we were in). It still is very very hard to get the kids to school every morning clean, dressed in uniform, with homework done. I can only imagine how impossible it would be if one were in living in a car and had no money.

The floors look great. They're a bit darker than I thought, but I think any change of that magnitude is a bit shocking. I felt the same way about the paint initially.

Our contractor remains confident that cleaning people will be in next Thursday and the final inspection will go off without a hitch next Friday. Sounds great to me!


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