Remodel Me

This is the story of our home remodel, day by day. We expect laughter, tears, and lots and lots of dust. In the end, we hope to have a beautiful, larger updated home for our beautiful growing family.

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Location: Walnut Creek, CA

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Basket Full of Irony

Ever have one of those days that don't quite go as planned? All of these things actually happened today.

Everyone in the whole family needed a ride from me. Including my husband, so I decided to drive him all the way into the city to his office. (He, in turn, offered me breakfast on the way, so it was a good deal for me.) We're getting back into my car, a 2002 Honda Odyssey minivan, he leans over, looks at the odometer and starts complaining about how many miles I've put on the van. While I'm in the process of driving him a 50 mile roundtrip to work. Sheesh.

I met a friend for lunch who had knee surgery. On the way to the restaurant (not hungry, since I'd just had the huge second breakfast with dh), I spot a store, Lulu LeMonde Athletique or some such thing, that another friend had recommended. Beautiful chic running and yoga clothes. Since I try to go to the gym daily (and succeed on a less than daily basis), I'd really wanted to check out this store, but thought the closest one was in Menlo Park. We never made it over there, though, because it was a couple blocks away and we didn't want to walk that far. D'oh! (At least for me; my friend had a legitimate excuse!)

Finally, I make it back home only to discover that my sitter is completely AWOL. It turns out that her phone isn't working, in particular her voicemail, and since she hadn't gotten a message from me, she made other plans. ???

I know I'm not ready for the Daily Show, but I'm getting closer...


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